

Address:Mezírka 775/1, Brno
Mobile phone number:+420 733 525 123
E-mail:[email protected]
Company registration number:27741222
Bank:Komerční banka a.s.
Bank account number:123 - 6372820277/0100

Welcome to the real estate house. As the executive head of the strong real estate company let me greet you on our brand new website, especially in section Contacts, where you can find more information about individual members of our real estate team. They are experienced with practice in field of real estate and introduce individually themselves. We all share the same motto and that is and always will be „satisfied client”. At first sight it may sound as a phrase, but it is not for our real estate team. Nowadays there are lot of dissatisfied people trying to find their best and get satisfied - that´s why they became our clients and appreciate individual access of our team. Each client is very important to us, we all emphasize to realize business cases with the highest precision and with the target that our clients become faithful to our company. For a few years with the explanation that they found in our team a strong partner on real estate market, who is absolutely known in the field, we made a very strong portfolio of contacts. All estate brokers are regularly educated and examined, what is the necessity for work in our team; they also have excellent language skills. Our company as one of the few companies can offer complete service to development firms and to beginners the whole project totally appropriate from visualization until the sale - this is great advantage of our company. Make sure about it and arrange the meeting regarding the development projects directly with me, the executive head of the company or arrange the meeting regarding the common sales or rents with some of our perfect businessmen in team. Only thing you can do is to choose the right one. We ensure the cheapest and quickest mortgage on the market and strong legal background and all of this you find in one building where you can negotiate everything with our financial counselor, lawyer who have their office at us. We would like to welcome you in new luxurious releases that will satisfy even the most demanding clients. I’m really looking forward to meeting you. On behalf of the company the executive head Ing. Monika Russeggerová

Jozef HalcinJozef Halcin
Phone number:: +420 733 525 123
E-mail: [email protected]
Ing. Monika RusseggerováIng. Monika Russeggerová
hovoří česky, německy

Jednatelka společnosti
Phone number:: +420 602 791 990
E-mail: [email protected]

„Pokud něco neděláte prvotřídně, nedělejte to vůbec, protože když není něco prvotřídní, nepřináší to zábavu ani užitek. A když něco neděláte ani pro zábavu, ani pro užitek, proč to vůbec děláte?"  Robert Townsend

Katrin RusseggerováKatrin Russeggerová
Asistenka marketingu
Phone number:: +420 733 525 123
E-mail: [email protected]

Mojí náplní je správa webových stránek, sociálních sítí naší společnosti, příprava prezentací a fotografií našich zakázek a spolupráce s inzertními médii a realitními portály. Pořizuji a edituji fotografie k jednotlivým zakázkám, navrhuji design pro kampaně a tisk do realitních medií, tvořím jednotlivé články na naší webové stránce. V případě zájmu o spolupráci s naší společností se na mě neváhejte obrátit.

Kevin RusseggerKevin Russegger
Realitní specialista
Phone number:: +420 733 525 123
E-mail: [email protected]

V oboru realit již působím delší dobu. Mám za sebou řadu úspěšně realizovaných obchodů. Moje specializace jsou prodeje a pronájmy domů, bytů a pozemků včetně komerčních nemovitostí. Disponuji praxí v oboru stavebnictví a hovořím plynule německy a anglicky. Zvažujete prodej či pronájem nemovitostí, neváhejte mě kontaktovat.

Jiří PomklaJiří Pomkla
Realitní specialista
Phone number:: +420 733 525 123
E-mail: [email protected]

Ve společnosti RUSSEGGER REAL se specializuji především na pronájmy nemovitostí. Nedělá mi však problém ani zajištění prodeje nebo koupě bytu, domu i pozemku. Ke každému klientovi přistupuji individuálně a dle jeho specifických požadavků. Diskrétnost a empatie jsou mi velmi blízké a velice rád vám pomohu s jakýmkoliv požadavkem. Já i náš profesionální tým obchodníků, finančních poradců a právníku jsme vám k dispozici.

About us

In 2007 the company RUSSEGGER REAL s.r.o. was established with the office in the tř. Kpt. Jaroše street. The main aim of our company is to provide helpful hand in all fields that are connected with the real estate market not only for our clients, but also to development companies. Our company has great experiences in this field through our educated real estate brokers. Our brokers have riche experiance on the real estate market, that´s the reason why our company is able to be helpful for everyone in suitable choice of investment into real estate, ensuring estimation, expert evidences, legal and financial counseling. Everyone who decides to invest into real estate or sell the flat, house, land or commercial release need good partner who is educated in the field and is able to advise properly. Satisfied client is the best remuneration for us, thus we emphasize professional access and way of presentation of the property on the real estate websites and also in press. We also cooperate with graphic studio which belongs to the best in preparing presentations of real estate and projects. Properly prepared graphic design is main success of the whole business plan. Further we focus on as advantageous ensuring of funding as possible. Our good partners are two financial groups that by professional access and good knowledge of the market can satisfy even the most demanding clients. They cooperate basically with all banks which help to close also the most complicated case and the client would leave contentedly. One of their specializations is ensuring of development’s funding for each project. They are able to ensure unmatched offers in cooperation with our company in the way that the developer, who begins with his activity and would realize his plans. Our activities are more specified in section Service.

Our partners also are Mgr. Pavel Bareš, Mgr Pavel Kopa and Mgr. Miloš Švanda, who offer precious drawing up of the contracts including law counseling. The advantage especially for foreign clients is the dealing with our company where the interpreter is not needed because they can speak several world languages – German, English, Russian and French. The drawing up of multilingual contracts is matter of course for them. All real brokers in our company can speak fluently one foreign language at least, we are also in touch with many translators. Another activity is cooperation with developers and individual realization of the project by our company – from the choice of the suitable locality, purchase of the lands, drawing up of visualizations, ensuring of the project documentation, technical and law consultation, evaluation of the items, the dealing with offices, drawing up of the presentation of the project, the sale of the project, ensuring of all contracts, client’s or developer’s funding, deposit to the Land Registry, client’s changes, and so on. If you search suitable partner for this area, we are appropriate for you.

We prefer individual attitude to all demands, we act with every client individually and with maximal care. We are professionally mindful of your contract to be successfully realized. Based on our experiences and constantly deeper knowledge of market with real estate we can offer service on high professional level.

Make sure and come to visit us into our new office premises. We will be very pleased by your visit.

PS: Didn’t you search us under russeger, ruseger, rusegger? We are RUSSEGGER REAL – don’t forget!

On behalf of the company:

Ing. Monika Russeggerová
executive head

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