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The operator uses so-called cookies to operate and improve the website These small files are stored on your device through a browser when you open an Internet address and allow you to better customize the website.


What are "cookies"?

These are small text files that web pages store on your device when you visit the web pages, unless you have disabled this feature in your browser or used anonymous browser mode to access the web. This way, the pages remember for a certain period of time the actions you performed on them and preferences (eg favorites, search filter settings, etc.), which you do not have to enter repeatedly. They are also used to create statistics on traffic and user behavior for web operators. We do not store any personal data in cookies, so it is not possible to identify the user as a person.

You can find more information about cookies, for example, on wikipedia. ( )

What cookies are used on the website?

We mainly use cookies:

•   to remember the preferences of the site user, to identify the user in case of access to the protected section, to analyze the use of the site, to analyze advertising tools, to connect to social networking tools

•   for proper functionality of the protected section for users

•   to monitor the use of the site, and thus to improve their quality and increase performance

•   for secure web browsing features

Typy použitých cookie souborů jsou session cookie, cookie prvních stran a cookie třetích stran. Soubory cookie nebudou použity pro žádné jiné účely než výše zmíněné. Využívání cookies můžete upravit v nastavení soukromí vašeho internetového prohlížeče.

Everyone who visits a website that stores cookies must be notified in accordance with the Electronic Communications Act of:

•   that the website contains cookies

•   purpose of using cookies

•   possibility to turn off cookies.

From the point of view of validity, there are two types of cookies, namely cookies for the current session and permanent cookies. Session cookies are stored on the device, but are deleted when you leave the site. Persistent cookies remain on your computer until they expire, see the table below.


{DOMENA}Description  Přes tuto doménu dodáváme statický obsah prezentací a média.  Hlavní doména pro systém Realman verzi 5.  Služba pro optimalizaci distribuce statického a dynamcikého obsahu. Zajišťuje rozložení zátěže, výpočetního výkonu a kešování obsahu.  Mapové služby  Přehrávání našich videí umístěných na službu

How to adjust the use of cookies?

The use of cookies can be adjusted according to your needs (eg you can delete them). You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer, and most browsers also offer the option to prevent cookies from being stored on your device at all. However, if you use this option, you may need to manually adjust some preferences each time you visit the site, and restrictions on certain services and features of the site, especially protected sections accessible after logging in, cannot be ruled out. You can easily prevent the storage of cookies by using the anonymous browser mode.


Website operator

RUSSEGGER REAL s.r.o., Mezírka 775/1, 602 00 Brno - Veveří, IN: 27741222

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